HVAC: heating, ventilation and air conditioning

Temperature probe for measuring the temperature of water in the Cu and Alumplast installation pipes:

Temperature probe type CTH

Temperature probe for measuring the temperature of water in the Cu and Alumplast installation pipes (in-pipe screw mounting).

Protection grade: IP65.

Temperature probe for measuring the temperature of indoor air:


Temperature probe type TP

Temperature probe for measuring indoor air temperature.
Wall mounting in a residential environment.

Protection grade: IP20.



Temperature probe type TPC

Temperature probe for measuring indoor air temperature.
Wall mounting in an industrial environment.

Protection grade: IP65.


Temperature probe for measuring the temperature of outdoor air:
Temperaturno tipalo za merjenje zunanje temperature tip TZ

Temperature probe type TZ

Temperature probe for measuring outdoor air temperature.
Wall mounting on external northern wall.

Protection grade: IP65.
